Trump Campaign Sends Fundraising Letter Full of Antisemitic Tropes Citing Jewish Donors

The Trump 2020 Campaign reportedly sent a fundraising letter calling Democrats “Big Government Socialist Democrats,” and accusing them of trying to “undermine” the “America First Agenda” with “deception and sabotage.” Re-popularized in 2016 during Trump’s first presidential campaign, “America First” was the name of a Nazi-sympathizing 1930s- and 1940s-era American movement.

An image of the two-page letter, which was provided to Bend the Arc: Jewish Action.

An image of the two-page letter, which was provided to Bend the Arc: Jewish Action.

The letter, signed by Trump, also claimed that the “Liberal Fake News media” is unfairly promoting Democrats, before going on to single out Jewish donors as funding an effort to rig the 2020 presidential election by expanding voter access:

“With the help of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — and using the funds of their Leftist billionaire allies like George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Tom Steyer — Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are pushing for ways to rig the November election — from calling for all ballots to be cast by mail, to same day registration, to requiring no ID to vote.”

George Soros and Michael Bloomberg are both Jewish, and Tom Steyer’s father was Jewish. All three men are regularly invoked by right-wing public figures and politicians, fueling antisemitic fear-mongering about Jews and money. Soros is named and demonized so frequently — including in televised advertisements during the 2018 midterms — that a Trump supporter attempted to assassinate him that same year.